Lucy Pinder Topless Photshoot

Tuesday, 3 April 2007
The first motor car, by Karl Benz in 1885.
The first powered flight, by the Wright Brothers in 1903.
The first person to walk on the moon, by Neil Armstrong in 1969.
The first email sent, by Ray Tomlinson in 1971
The first celebrity internet sex tape, by Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee in 1998.

And now ... the first ever Lucy Pinder fully topless shoot. Drum roll please.

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Lucy Pinder Topless Lucy Pinder Topless Lucy Pinder Topless
Lucy Pinder Topless Lucy Pinder Topless
Lucy Pinder Topless Lucy Pinder Topless
Lucy Pinder Topless Lucy Pinder Topless

Lucy Pinder at Mr. Skin, Lucy Pinder at Fapomatic


David said...

¡Bellísima mujer! Un set inolvidable; tengo el gusto de conservar esa revista.

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