AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress

Thursday, 23 September 2010
AnnaLynne at the Self Magazine awards.

click here for the full post

AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress
AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress
AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress
AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress
AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress
AnnaLynne McCord In A Silver Minidress

AnnaLynne McCord at Mr. Skin


Anonymous said...

I'd tap that shiny ass all night long

Anonymous said...

Where do those celebrity rankings come from?

admin said...

The CelebPowerRankings are a purely subjective thing I slapped on the sidebar for a bit of fun. I update it at the end of week based on who's in the news, who's appearing most in the celeb feeds, who I'm posting about, what google hits I'm getting and just my own biased opinions.

The best way to get on there is by getting arrested, releasing a sex tape, turning up to a movie premiere with your tits falling out of a tiny dress or getting your face on the front of the newspapers every day for a week. So Lindsay Lohan is going to be #1 forever.

Although if there was a Lady Gaga sex tape out there ...

MikeHunt775 said...

Really? You're looking forward to a Lady gaga sex tape?

admin said...

I just meant that if one existed that would probably be the only thing that could knock Lindsay Lohan off the top spot the way she's living her life.

Besides, everyone secretly likes a little shemale porn every now and again.

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