We're Outa Here

Wednesday, 4 May 2011
You probably already guessed this, but due to work commitments I no longer have the time to run the blog anymore. Thanks to everyone who stuck around. I'll leave the blog up and there's plenty of links on the sidebar to find the latest celeb smut.

I will still be updating my adult blog as that takes less time.

Emma Roberts Leggy Candids

Monday, 4 April 2011
Emma wearing her 'Gee, I really hope the photographers don't notice me' outfit while shopping on Sunset Plaza.

Due to work commitments at my real job this will be my last post for a few days. If there's a major breaking celeb skin news story I'll pop back, but I won't have the time to make a full daily update until Wednesday or Thursday.

click here for the full post

Kelly Brook Candids

Kelly, with former Scottish rugby international boyfriend Thom Evans, heading home after a night out at Mahiki's in London. In her condition I hope she stayed on the orange juice.

click here for the full post

Jessie J In A Catsuit

Jessie performing on stage at the O2 Arena in Birmingham on Saturday night.

click here for the full post

Christa Campbell Topless Photoshoot

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The following post contains content only suitable for adults.
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Rihanna Rolling Stone Cover

Rihanna Rolling Stone Cover

Rihanna at Mr. Skin

Pollyanna Woodward Wallpaper

Pollyanna Woodward Wallpaper

Pollyanna Woodward at Mr. Skin

Abi Titmuss Wallpaper

Abi Titmuss Wallpaper

Abi Titmuss at Mr. Skin

Rachel Riley In Glossy Pantyhose


Rachel Riley at Mr. Skin

Christine Bleakley In A Black Minidress

Christine Bleakley at Mr. Skin

Mila Kunis Candids

Friday, 1 April 2011
Mila O&A in Hollywood yesterday morning. Looks like she needs two coffees to get her day kickstarted. It certainly gets her nipples hard.

click here for the full post

Olivia Wilde & Olivia Munn Sex Tape Leaked!

I thought the celebrity email hacking scandal over the last couple of weeks peaked with the Renee Olstead filthy cellphone and webcam striptease pics. I was wrong.

When this video first started flying around the internet I - like most people - assumed it was two pornstar lookalikes and a lot of wishful thinking. I was wrong.

It turns out that for the last three years or so Olivia Munn and Olivia Wilde have been having an affair, that this video is genuine and that really is a naked Olivia Munn bent over her sofa while Olivia Wilde dressed in a tight rubber corset and thigh high boots plows her ass with a huge strap-on dildo. I'm guessing that this is probably the reason Olivia Wilde's marriage broke down and along with the candid photos he made public last month her ex also released this.

Enjoy it while you can. I get the feeling the lawyers will have this thing taken down within the day.

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The following post contains content only suitable for adults.
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Hilary Duff In A Tight Miniskirt

Hilary and her legs turn up for the LA premiere of 'Soul Surfer' - a movie that jumped the shark before it's even been released.

click here for the full post

Ashley Greene Glamour Magazine Cover

Ashley Greene Glamour Magazine Cover

Ashley Greene at Mr. Skin

Christina Aguilera Wallpaper

Christina Aguilera Wallpaper

Christina Aguilera at Mr. Skin